Monday, December 1, 2014

Lumer Cafe

Haiii, ada yang udah pernah ke Lumer belom? Kapan hari aku bertiga akhirnya kesampean juga nyobain menu di Lumer. Udah ngecesss banget gara-gara liat foto-foto yang diupload ama temen-temen :D Lumer ini lokasinya di daerah Ngagel Jaya Utara, ga jauh sih dari Togamas kalo yang sering lewatin jalan rayanya.

Kami bertiga pesen menu yang beda-beda. Aku pesen "Chicken Steak", Tsabita pesen "Fettucini Carbonara", Afi pesen "Spaghetti". Pertama kali dateng sih liat dekorasi ruangannya seneng karena unik, vintage gitu. Cuma waktu usah pesen, nungguin makananya lumayan lama. Dan taraaaa, ini penampakan "Chicken Steak" yang aku pesen.

Kalo punyaku rasanya oke deh, tapi waktu nyobain yg fettucini sama spaghetti, ga kaya yang dibayangin. Harga emang murah sih, jadi lumayan lah kalo buat nongkrong hihi. Cuma kalo untuk tujuan makan sampe kenyang, it isn't recommeded :(


Mie Mirip - Sama dengan Bungkusnya

Hwaaa akhirnya ada juga mie yang sama dengan bungkusnya *excited* . Secara pecinta mie instan pasti ngiler banget kalo liat bungkus mie-nya, tapi ga pernah bisa bikin yang sama persis kaya itu wkwk. Aku pernah denger mie yang sama dengan bungkusnya ini di Jogja, tapi belom pernah kesampean mampir di sana :( eh ternyata di Surabaya juga udah ada gaesss :D

Lokasinya di jalan Arif Rahman Hakim kali ya, hmm pokoknya di sebelah kampus ITATS. Jam buka dari sore sampe malem. Waktu kesana bareng sama temen-temen kelas. Ga semua sih, sekitar 10 orang deh. Cukup bikin suasa di mie mirip jadi kacau *lol* . Aku pesen indomie kuah rasa kari ayam. Penasaran banget beneran mirip atau ngga ya? :D

Taraaaa, ini nih hasil jadi mie mirip. Mirip ngga? :D

Isinya indomie kari ayam ada mie (pasti), kentang & wortel potong dadu, paha ayam goreng, tomat, telor. Kalo rasa ya sama deh kaya indomie yang bikin sendiri di rumah. Tapi sensasinya itu, akhirnyaaaa bisa makan mie yang mirip kaya di bungkusnya haha. Range harga antara 10.000 - 15.000, yang suka pedes bisa tambah potongan cabe. Mie yang paling mahal yang ada ayam gorengnya tuh :D

Overall recommended, tapi panas karena ga pake AC, hiks.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Welcome to TCTP 2011

The Third Country Training Program
on Education for Computer Based Industrial Automation

in topic of
"Mobile Application Development for Embedded Devices"

Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya
October 6-28, 2011


EEPIS has long track record in implementing an international training course on electrical engineering education (1994-1999), and information technology (2000-2005). The course is conducted jointly by the Government of Indonesia under the framework of Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries Program and the Government of Japan through JICA, under the Third Country Training Program (TCTP).

In spite of its success story, the need of this type of course still big, since there are many higher education institution in developing country that remain under-developed in terms of their teaching staff education level and practical experience. Therefore, we propose the similar course with special emphasize on the using of Information Technology (IT) for electric engineering education.


To provide the participants from Asian and African countries with an opportunity to update and upgrade relevant techniques, knowledge and teaching methodology in design and implementation of application development for mobile devices.


In general, the objective of the training is to enable the participants to understand and to develop the quality of education especially on design and implementation of computer based industrial automation.

The specific objectives of this training program are that the participants will be able to:
  1. To design and to develop the material for practice on computer and information technology
  2. To understand concept of embedded systems for developing mobile application
  3. To develop programming for practice on mobile applications
  4. To develop teaching material on application development for mobile devices
  5. To enhance their capability on design and implementation of application mobile devices